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The GMX token serves as both a utility and governance token within the platform. It accrues 30% of the platform’s generated fees, which include market making, swap fees, and leverage trading.

Avalanche’s GLP pool comprises AVAX, ETH, BTC, and USDC. The GLP pools on different chains are not connected, but the share of stablecoins is close to about 50%, equivalent to the asset index portfolio of a basket of cryptocurrencies.

EsGMX can also be vested over a one year period to yield regular GMX tokens. What makes this mechanism effective is that when esGMX is selected to be vested, the amount of GMX or GLP that was used to earn the esGMX is reserved.

The website also details GMX and GLP’s market capitalizations and highlights the project’s partnerships, integrations, and related community projects. It furthermore includes a documentation section, which provides information on the exchange’s various components, and suggests methods to bridge to Arbitrum or Avalanche, or to acquire GMX and GLP tokens. Thanks to its detailed dashboards, GMX gives off an impression of transparency. As a result, the protocol’s mechanisms are relatively simple to grasp.

1) GMX/ETH liquidity is provided and owned by the protocol, the fees from this trading pair will be converted to GLP and deposited into the floor price fund

The most apparent drawback for traders is the small selection of assets in the GLP liquidity pool, as they can only trade with a few cryptocurrencies. There is a potential additional risk of sudden spikes in funding rates, which dynamically adjust to asset utilization in the GLP liquidity pool. For example, suppose you choose to go long on LINK tokens in the contract market of the GMX platform, and soon after, you open a position.

Avalanche’s GLP pool comprises AVAX, ETH, BTC, and USDC. The GLP pools on different chains are not connected, but the share of stablecoins is close to about 50%, equivalent to the asset index portfolio of a basket of cryptocurrencies.

$GLP holders take the other side of the trades made out of the platform. Successful traders are paid out by the liquidity pool and on the flip side, unsuccessful traders payout to liquidity providers.

GMX launched its first version, V1, on Arbitrum in September 2021. V1 employed a unique exchange model that allowed users to trade without the need to provide liquidity.

No lado da website bolsa, a GMX pode acomodar Colossal liquidez nenhumas deter muitos TVLs saiba como o modelo AMM, graças ao uso do seu próprio modelo por pool de liquidez.

There are multiple competitors within the DeFi space that also offer perpetual futures. At the same time, there is the looming threat of centralized exchanges that will always have a portion of the market share.

The multi-asset liquidity pool model is an innovative mechanism. How does GMX achieve zero spread trading, no impermanent losses, and a diverse source of income for liquidity providers? The following is a detailed description.

GMX generates revenue through swap fees, borrow fees on leveraged trading, liquidations, and the minting and burning of GLP. These fees are split between GLP and GMX stakers.

GLP é um cesto por ativos usados para trocas e negociação do alavancagem. Têm a possibilidade de ser cunhado utilizando qualquer 1 dos activos pelo cesto e queimado para resgatar qualquer um Destes activos.

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